Posted on: 05 June, 2007

Author: Erin Ryan

An article on environmental awareness when choosing flooring. Looking at why real wood flooring is better for the environment than other choices. Until recently the term tree-hugger was used as a derogatory term to imply that person was too concerned with the state of the environment. However it is now becoming increasingly trendy to participate in environmentalism and conservation. Going green has also spread into the Hollywood elite with being environmental responsibility being close to many celebs hearts. There is an ever increasing awareness of the world we live in, with terms such as carbon emissions and carbon footprints regularly thrown at us. With this in mind people are now converting to into eco-conscious consumers. People are making a range of changes with their purchases, from low energy light bulbs to their choice of flooring. Wood flooring is becoming more popular due to its new found affordability and DIY advantages. In todays popular market of wood flooring, you can expect to pay the same price as you would for a quality carpet. Due to the popular demand in the market, many more retailers ( are stocking hardwood floors at more affordable prices than ever before. When it comes to choosing flooring, solid wood floors are by far the most environmentally healthy choice. This may sound strange, as it was common practice to hear environmentalists talking about the devastating effects on our forest resources, however there are in fact more trees today than there were in 1950, 98% more between the years of 1952-2002 according to the USDA Forest Service. As it is not just consumers who are becoming more eco-friendly, companies are following suit, and now trees are regularly planted to sustain the forests. Some countries even rely on the revenue of timber for export, and its these countries where the biggest threat to primary forests is the conversion to other forms of land use. Because wood floors are such a high use of forest produce, the demand can in fact help sustain the forest as well as supporting poorer countries economy. Another important factor is wood manufacturing is cleaner than the manufacture of other materials. For example the manufacture of Steel produces 40 times more pollutants than wood. Wood also results in far less solid waste than other materials. Wood flooring is recognised as an environmentally friendly, renewable and sustainable resource by NAHB Model Green Home Building Guidelines. So not only can you have the beautiful luxury of a stylish wooden floor, you can rest safe in the knowledge that you’re helping the environment too. It is also recyclable, so your new solid wood floor may have one day been an old barn or warehouse. Source: Free Articles from Erin Ryan is a consultant for who are specialist UK suppliers of solid wood flooring & wood floors.